Home Automation and Security just a click away

Ever thought of automating just a corner of your home? But never had an option as most of the products automate entire home and demand exorbitant investment.
Ctec Smart Home offers a smart and affordable solution to automate your entire home or just that corner.

discover the value

Would you be excited to experience the benefits that home automation has to offer and discover the value it can bring to your life? 

Control your home away from home. No more wandering of your mind on those lights or appliances which you might have left switched on. No need to drive back home to check and switch them off. Save that energy, money and time just with a click of your phone no matter how far you are from home. 

Replace your home electrical switches with Ctec smart switches. They retrofit existing electrical switches and allow you to make the transformation as needed. Any certified electrician should be able to install this simple and smart solution for you .



Re-IMAGINE Switches

Re-imagine those ordinary looking switches by adding custom colors to define your style.

Add that touch of interior design to your home which is not that common. Experience the exclusivity that this simple change can add to your interior style. 

Use Ctec dimmer switch to add versatility to your home. Set an ambiance and adjust it to the different occasions suiting your need.


Easy and intuitive App

Easy to use and intuitive app allows you to control your lights and devices just at a click. Set any kind of ambiance suiting your occasion


Set your scenes

Set scenes in smartphone app to group and operate your devices just at a button click. Same device can be included in more than one scene. 

Group and set your devices on or off

Group and set your devices on or off


All Ctec Smart Home products have been thoroughly tested and comply with Australian standards